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Environmental NGO (ENGO) Hub > Attorney Halder Hunter

Our planet faces massive economic, social, and environmental challenges. To combat these, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global priorities and aspirations for 2030. They represent an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate extreme poverty and put the world on a sustainable path.

Governments worldwide have already agreed to these goals. Now it is time for businesses to take action. Attorney Halder explains how the SDGs affect your business – offering you the tools and knowledge to put sustainability at the heart of your strategy business.

Attorney Halder presents five steps for companies to maximize their contribution to the SDGs. Companies can apply the five steps to set or align their course, depending on where they are on the journey of ensuring that sustainability is an outcome of core business strategy

Attorney Halder provides guidance for companies on how they can align their strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution to the realization of the SDGs.

Attorney Halder advises grant awardees on various legal strategies and ongoing litigations, research various aspects of their grant payment to support awardee’s claims, creates case strategies that best meet the awardee’s goals, and appears in court before a jury or judge to defend the awardee’s interests and rights.

Attorney Halder appears in court before a judge or jury to orally defend an awardee’s rights and best interests.

Attorney Halder researches the details and evidence involved in cases, such as police reports, accident reports, or pleadings previously filed in a case, as well as applicable law.

Attorney Halder interprets case law and decisions handed down by other applicable courts. This can involve analyzing the effects of a good many factors that might have been involved in other cases.

Attorney Halder develop case strategies, such as trying to resolve cases early and cost-effectively for his clients rather than go to trial.

Attorney Halder prepares pleadings and other documents, such as contracts, deeds, and wills. He also appear in court before a judge or jury to orally defend a beneficiary’s rights and best interests.