Grants Phases

Please find below the three phases of the grant.

Phase 1
Pre-award phase

  1. Application letter of interest.
  2. Response from the NGO.
  3. Registration with NGO for grant payment.
  4. Screening for compliance by the grantor (Environmental NGO Board of Directors).
  5. A lawyer representing beneficiary on grant hearing.

Phase 2
Award Phase

  1. Notice of Award (NOA) by the lawyer to the awardee.
  2. Going through the legalities of the funding agreement (Documentation, Notarization).
  3. Dispersion/payment of funds to the beneficiary. (Opening, activating, funding, and notarizing international bank accounts with NGO-designated banks) services provided by approved NGO legal counsel and lawyer.

Phase 3
Post-award Phase

  1. Implementation of the grant program, reporting audits, and closeout
  2. The grant management office oversees funding compliance.