Work Together
We provide a forum for bringing together experiences related to natural and built environment from individuals, institutions and organizations

ENGO communication should be based on:
a) provision of awareness and information to different societal groups;
b) discourses on sustainable development in discussions, debates, and social networks;
c) political pressure, participation in sustainable development governance, and network cooperation.
The major Aims and Objectives of the NGO are:
- To plan and organize programmes and projects for greening our Mother Earth by setting out plans and projects for greening of mind, atmosphere, culture, wisdom, education, technology as well as development.
- To plan, organize and implement programmes and projects for water management & conservation and rain water harvesting.
- To collect data regarding greening and environmental education for having a cleaner as well as greener planet.
- To provide education that prepares students for leadership and social responsibility teaching them to think and communicate effectively and develop a global awareness and sensitivity for a better global understanding, world peace and unity with a view to protecting our Mother Earth.
- To aid in organizing conferences, seminars, meetings, discussions, debates, study courses, collection of statistics, exhibitions, shows and tours about environmental awareness and education and natural resource conservation.
- To introduce environmental education programmes in different schools, colleges/institutions and Universities and strengthen the existing ecological and environment related training infrastructure.
- To provide consultancy to other institutions and organizations in all countries of the world for the establishment of similar institutions with a view to bringing sustainability.
- To establish environmental museums and parks in collaboration with local bodies such as State Governments, Municipalities, Corporations and Resident Welfare Associations.
- To conduct sponsored as well as non-sponsored research programmes with the support of Ministries, Departments and International Bodies.
- To organize training programmes for vocationalization of environmental careers.
- To strengthen Global Environmental Education Programmes for standardization of greening activities.
- To collaborate, affiliate, federate and cooperate with Universities, Government Bodies, NGOs and International Agencies for implementing the projects of environmental development all over the world.
- To provide consultancy in Solid Waste Management and Recycling/Reuse techniques.
- To publish books, monographs, magazines and encyclopedias on greening and related fields.
- To establish institutions and schools for teaching, training and research in different emerging fields and to award degrees, diplomas and certificates to that effect.
- To strengthen the voluntary as well as Non-Government Organizations in order to make them discharge the responsibility for the implementation of positive social, cultural, economic and educational content bearing environmental projects and programmes all over the world.
- To introduce environmental education programmes in different schools, colleges/institutions and Universities and strengthen the existing ecological and environment related training infrastructure.
- To make special plans for the studies and research in the areas of horticulture, vermiculture, plantation, nursery development, floriculture, water & energy conservation and management, rain water harvesting and other related fields.
- To plan, organize and implement programmes and projects for energy conservation and emphasis on the usage of renewable sources of energy.
- To provide environmental education that prepares students for leadership and social responsibility by teaching them to think and communicate effectively and develop global environmental awareness and sensitivity for better understanding, world peace and unity with a view to protect our Mother Earth.